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Jessica Campbell

Jessa Campbell & the Saplings


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Jessa Campbell & the Saplings
Performing Name
Jessa Campbell & the Saplings
Jessa Campbell is an Oregon-based performer who bridges the worlds of music and ecology by enchanting young audiences with the wonders of nature through her songs. Caregivers can expect a blend of familiar folk children's songs mixed with original tunes written about what it's like to grow up in the Pacific Northwest! Her debut album, "Can You Feel It", recently landed the Silver Parent's Choice Award and has been featured on Sirius XM's Kids Place Live, enjoyed the High Five Album of the week spotlight on Kinderling Kids Radio Australia, featured on Geek Dad Blog and Good Stuff Kids podcast and has been spun on Asheville FM Radioactive Kids, KDHX-Musical Merry-Go-Round, KUNM Children's Hour, WERS Playground, Kids Radio Mania Edge-88 KDPS, Playtime Playlist, Radio Nursery and more!

With a background performing with the national touring production of hit television show, "Dragon Tales Live," she's no stranger to child entertainment! She’s also experienced as a world cruise ship performer, vocalist for Wayne Newton, and member of some of Portland’s prominent bands. Weaving theatrical elements with her song and dance numbers, she encourages kiddos to groove along. Jessa starting writing ecology-based songs with her students for a "Wonders of Nature" class for 5-8 year olds through the local learning center, Village Home. With songs like "The Waltz of Trillium & Ant", children are educated about simple science concepts like seed dispersal through the living creatures in their neck of the woods!

As a mama herself, she values throwing the better party by encouraging kiddos to step into their wilder selves, glimpsing the magic in the world around them. Join Jessa Campbell & the Saplings at their next show!
Portland, OR
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  • Early Childhood
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The Children's Music Network
10 Court Street #22, Arlington, MA 02476
(339) 707-0277

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