Introducing CMN Community Agreements
We have been working with a consultant, Peter Andrew Danzig LSW, MSS, MA, CTP (they/them), since early August to develop a set of materials that will guide CMN's DEI(AB) efforts in creating safe spaces for the foreseeable future. This set of documents include a Code of Ethics and Care, Community Agreements to guide our interactions within the community, and a Harm/Grievance process guide. We met with the CMN Board on Oct 17th and agreed by full consensus to approve these documents and our next step is for the community to adopt them and operationalize them into our current culture, as we grow to build and foster more inclusivity and belonging.
On Monday, November 14, 6pm - 7pm ET, Peter will introduce our work to you and address questions that you may have about what his work looks like in terms of going from education to action. Following the session, we will post the documents for two weeks on the CMN website for your review and feedback before final publication. These are living documents, not etched in stone and for a successful implementation they need to be understood and agreed upon by the CMN membership.
Please REGISTER to let us know you can attend on the 14th!
Thank you,
The DEI Core Team (Liz Buchanan, Jacki Breger, Carrie Ferguson, Jenny Heitler-Klevans, Sarah Pirtle, Tim Seston, Kim Wallach, Jane Arsham, Alice Burba, Fyütch, Cindy Haws, Christine Petrini, Susan Picking, Nikki Rung)
The 2022 CMN Annual Meeting will be held immediately following this session, from 7-7:30. We encourage you to stay online and hear about the exciting projects we are undertaking and how you can be involved!